Studies show that children are losing the educational touch over the summer and returning to the school in the fall with lower reading and math skills. It is estimated that a typical student losses approximately one month worth of studies over the summer break. It is a common occurrence since there are no studies during that time period to keep the knowledge gained prior to summer. This makes a compelling reason to either keep kids busy doing some school work during summer or get help from a tutor once they return to school in the fall.
According to the Department of Education, tutoring is important for developing skill sets and grades and the effects are long lasting. Added bonus associated with tutoring includes lower absentee rates and fewer disciplinary referrals.
Tutoring can also be tailored to each student and done in collaboration with the student, teachers and parents. In some cases group tutoring may also work especially among young adults. No matter what, kids need help after the summer break to get back on track with their studies. Find a suitable tutor near your area that is familiar with the curriculum of the school of your kids.